I love to write, but don't. That's about to change.
My head is a bee-hive and this blog is my new field full of flowers - I'm out to pollenate! Wait, that sounds weird...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Contemplating Grace

Last weekend, Naiya had a particularly rough day. She was just testing all her boundaries, pushing all the limits, and getting on my last nerve. After a full day of not listening and being defiant, we had a little talk as I put her to bed. I told her because her actions that day, that tomorrow there would be "no grace". I explained that if she was misbehaving at all, there would be no more warnings, just immediate timeout (I know, that's about "mercy", but the point is the same). I expected her to give me a pouty face and say "Yes Mommy" like normal. To my shock, she began to cry and pleaded with me, "Mommy, I want grace back. I want grace back." Wow, I never expected that reaction.

It's been on my mind ever since. I can't help but think about grace and mercy and what the Bible tells us God's reaction is to us. I mean, what if God told me, "Kelly, you've been out of line too much - done too much wrong lately. And your attitude.... Yeah, I'm withdrawing My grace from you." I'm dumbfounded. Thank God it's like we sing "if grace were an ocean we're all sinking." And that "His mercies are new every morning." I'm overwhelmed that as our parent, God is so gracious.

Was I wrong to not let Naiya push me around? No, as her mother I am to raise a disciplined little girl, but I think in the future, I'll watch my words a bit more and while there will still be consequences, I don't think there can ever be a flat "no grace, no mercy" policy again. After all, I am my Father's daughter and a reflection of Him.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I didn't know you had a blog! Awesome! Love it. I will be checking back often! I to have one. ;)
