In honor of new looks, I thought I'd embarrass myself a bit. So.... here goes.
Anyone who knows me personally, know that I look like this:
I cut my hair short two years ago and it really took about a year for me to find a style I truly love. Shortly after that Ado asked me if I'd grow my hair back out. He didn't mind that I'd cut it short, but didn't love it per se either. He wished it looked like this again:
I grew my hair out for about 8 months and gave up. Growing your hair out sucks. It will always suck... that awkward in between phase. The only way I felt my hair looked cute was to pull it back, but I have chronic headaches and that style didn't contribute to those very well. Plus, I have a preschooler and a baby to chase after and spending time on my hair or feeling ugly wasn't doing me any good. I asked Ado if I could cut it short again. Honestly, I wasn't done having it short. I like it short. I like it long too, but after almost many years of long, I'm still enjoying the short phase. Plus it is SO EASY.
Ado agreed. However, while he says I'm still pretty and he doesn't mind, I know he does.
All this said, I want us to both be happy, so.... for a while now I've been chewing on getting a wig! I thought it might be fun to sometimes go out on a date and me have long flowing hair again. That he would think I was pretty... prettier.
And then last week I was walking through the mall and there they were. And I thought I'd just look at the price tag so I'd know. And the lady asked if I wanted to try one on and... well, I fold like a house of cards when it comes to sales.
So here it is!
Ado thinks I look better al natural, which is sweet. And he thinks I'm silly for buying it, which is true. But, I don't think you can return a wig. So it's mine. And eventually I'll dare to wear it out!
I LOVE it! What a great idea, you can change your style easily and no awkward in-between stage!