I love to write, but don't. That's about to change.
My head is a bee-hive and this blog is my new field full of flowers - I'm out to pollenate! Wait, that sounds weird...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Job Search

Well, the hunt is on. Adonái has been given permission to transfer early from his branch to another. We are Soooo thankful. The past few months under his new manager's reign have not been pleasant. When the assistant manager, who is our cousin, Karren, was fired after 30 years with the bank, Adonái was almost ready to quit. Then the evil boss-man told him, "fine, if you don't want to be part of my team, you can leave." Yay!

So, the prayer request is that in the coming weeks, Adonái can find the right branch for him to work at. One that will be a good fit with co-workers and management, where he will enjoy his work and can help customers, earn commissions without forcing sales on people who don't need another credit card, and that works for us logisitcally (scheduling and transportation). Our present schedule is so artfully crafted by God, that we know He can do it again.

That said, I'm job-hunting too. If I wind up staying with my present company, that will be okay so long as God gives me strength. But I have updated my resume. Ideally, I'd like to work part-time, but financially, we're not so sure. Prayer for my job situation and child care for Naiya (what if both Adonái & I get jobs near home?! That would be great for our ridiculous commute, but it means we wouldn't want to drive down-town to drop Naiya off at her auntie's house. Also, I work from home one day a week and Adonái has one mid-day a week off to be with her. How will that all work out?).

Many unanswered questions... hence the prayer request. I really feel that we're in a position of transition for our lives right now though. We joined the church plant in the Spring, which was a radical change for us. Now, God is shifting our job situation. It's all for His glory, I know it. I just don't know how the puzzle pieces fit together yet. Even the house we bought 3 years ago is a perfect fit into his plan (the location is NOT what we were planning when we bought, but it worked well enough for us. Now, with the church plant, it's perfect).

Anyway, please pray for the Lord's leading and perfect timing.


  1. We will be praying too!!! I have a blog as well if your interested its

  2. I'm so excited for you guys! Too bad the 2 (or is it 3?) QC branches are so far out of your usual route!! :D We will be praying!
