And then I became a mother. You have to understand that I don't like being late. And I'm pretty good at calculating drive time to locations. And personally I don't take all that long to get ready. But getting out the door... it's like this evasive lost art that I have definately not mastered.
I keep thinking that I need to add just five minutes to my get-ready time to load the car and hit the road. HA! I have two small children. Why I can't factor in the correct amount of time to get out the door I'm not sure, but alas, I am chronically late. And it drives me bananas.
For those of you without children, you may ask what the big deal is. Let me tell you why I hate Fridays as my perfect example. Fridays are the one day a week I go into the office - completely spoiled and blessed I know. But mind you I work hell-far away from where I live.
Usually I try to prepare outfits for the girls the night before to help save time (that includes what they'll be wearing as well as spare clothes to put in their backpacks) and I try to have lunch pretty much ready to grab so I'm not making sandwhiches before I leave. So, Friday morning my alarm rings. Usually I hit snooze because I don't get enough sleep and what's 10 minutes really? (This could very well be where my downfall begins, but you have to realize that I stay up too late trying to be productive - because when the kids are sleeping, that's the best time to get things done - and then the baby who was sleeping through the night but was sick for a month has her schedule all screwed up and now wakes up in the middle of the night again; so forgive me if 5 hours isn't enough and I want - no need - the extra 10 minutes. *Wow, that was an awesome run-on sentence*). So, as I was saying:
- I get up, shower,
- get dressed
- do hair and make-up
- get my laptop bag ready and by the door (often having worked late the night before, it's usually not ready in the morning),
- get lunch into one bag and by the door,
- pump or nurse the baby
- get my breast pump bag ready with pumping parts, bottles, and lids ready and by the door (often this means washing parts)
- Put the bottle storage bag with ice packs by the door for me to take to work
- Get Natalia's bottles and nipples and an ice pack in her bag ready and by the door
- Put my purse and keys by the door
- Put the girls' backpacks, blankets and pillow by the door
- Get the baby ready
- Get Naiya ready
- Feed Naiya breakfast
- grab a light breakfast I can eat in the car and put it in the car
- Load the car
- Put the children in the car
So, why can't I leave the house quickly? I have children. They will be my scapegoats. I wonder how other parents manage five days a week, but then again, I know several of them to be chronically late too.
Hmmm, maybe it gets easier as they get older... but I won't hold my breath. For now, forgive me... because I'll probably be late.
I don't think you were too bad in college :)
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problem I find in getting out the door with the Bean is the variables - I can have everything ready when someone decides they need a diaper change or food - right now!
...and all those plans go out the window.
The other issue I have is always (mainly) remembering everything I need for the little one, then getting halfway to my destination and realizing that I am freezing because I didn't bring a coat for myself.
Ah well, what can you do? Maybe it gets better when they're older? :)
I am an OVER planner. I plan to be ready to leave 15 minutes before I need to be gone. It gives me a 15 minutes of error time. Like I spill something on my clothes or oh no I need gas in the car and I forgot. I rarely need those 15 minutes when my bf and step daughter aren't involved, add those two and I need an EXTRA 15 minutes. I don't know what takes the two of them an extra 15 minutes separately to get prepared but after 5 years one would think it was better, it sadly has gotten worse with my step daughter only getting older and closer to her preteen years. So I lie to both of them now. I give them a time 30 minutes before my 15 minute window and they are usually ready in my 15 minute window. Its a tricky situation but I like to be early to everything.
ReplyDeleteLOL cleaver Chelsie. I might need to incorporate that into my life somehow.
ReplyDeleteKelly, I totally agree. I am always running back into the house after I thought everything was all packed, because I've forgotten something. Oy!